Monday, April 17, 2006

Junior Brown's Greatest Hits

Junior Brown is one of the unsung heroes of Country music today.

Why is he unsung? Well he actually makes country music and he doesn't do faux patriotic screeds to fire up the drunk rednecks.

Most country radio today is dominated by pop acts who wear cowboy boots, throw in the occasional fiddle and steel guitar and record in Nashville.

Johnny Cash isn't hip enough to be played on country radio. Just everywhere else.

Anyway, rant over, we're here to talk about Junior Brown and "Blackfoot Rag", a track from his Greatest Hits album that is a great introduction to the coolness that is Junior. He is a straight up honky tonk guitar player who can outpick and outgrin just about anyone.

He also ventures into other styles of music closely related to honky tonk including boogie woogie and 60's beach instrumentals. For spice he throws in the occasional soulful country ballad.

Track Highlights

Track 3, "Sugarfoot Rag" Great instrumental, shows off Junior's honky-tonk skills nicely.

Track 8, "Semi Crazy" great and funny song about a trucker. Now that's what country music should be.

Track 9, "Venom Wearing Denim" Song about a bad girl. Another country classic.

Track 10, "Joe the Singing Janitor" Really shows off Junior's baritone voice.


If you're in the mood for real country, this is the album (and maybe the artist) for you.

Grade: A

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